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The #1 Thing Holding Back Your Business Growth

Mar 18, 2019

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All the cool kids are talking about growing your list, running ads on Facebook or getting more followers on Instagram, but how does that really affect your business growth?

What’s the point really though if none of these marketing efforts have a real strategy behind them. You could have the most beautiful Instagram feed with 1000’s of followers, but if they aren’t the right followers, and it doesn’t affect your bottom line, what’s the point? You could have hundreds of likes on your Facebook posts, but if they don’t convert to sales, is it really worth the effort?

You can blame the lack of business growth on a lot of things, but there's a simple answer to seeing your marketing efforts finally pay off.

So how do you create a (marketing) strategy? First, you find a focus.

Give yourself a target to aim for and a goal to reach. Think about what you want to achieve, why you want to achieve it and how you will achieve it. Break it down into clear actionable steps. A good example of a strategy might be to get more email sign-ups so that you can nurture your subscribers with an email series that ultimately inspires them to buy from you. Our end goal would be increased sales, but you also need to outline the steps you will take to get there.

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OK, you have a focus, so now what? Practice the art of discipline.

Discipline is important when it comes to implementing your marketing strategy and realizing business growth because it will help you stay consistent, and if your target and strategy are aligned, it will produce the best results.

You can’t simply post on social media once and hope that everyone will see it and engage with it. Neither should you expect that a few days worth of consistently posting is going to skyrocket your follower count overnight. When it comes to marketing, I think too many people are looking for a magic bullet or the secret formula that will make business growth quicker and easier. Sorry to break it to you, but I just don’t believe you’re going to find it.

Related Post: Mindset, Motivation & Discipline: Why They’re Important in Your Business

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Quit looking for a quick fix, instead focus on defining your strategy and implementation. This is the #1 thing that I believe will give you success in your marketing efforts, but most people are missing.

You see, in a way, marketing can be simple, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. It’s simple because all you have to do is decide on your focus and go after it. But it’s not easy because you still have to put in the work. You have to do the research. You have to craft targeted messaging. And you have to put yourself out, consistently.

Still looking for that secret formula to success? Let me break it down for you here:

strategic focus + discipline to execute = business success

There you have it! It’s that simple, of course, like I said, it’s easier said than done. Have you been wrongly blaming your lack of business growth on anything and everyone else? What are you currently focusing on in your business? Let me know in the comments or shoot me a message!

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