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6 Signs Your Business is Ready for a Custom Website Design

Feb 8, 2021

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A high-touch, done-for-you website could be a game-changer for your business, but that doesn’t mean a custom website design is right for everyone.

The truth is that custom websites can be reaalllly expensive and it doesn’t make sense to invest in one if you aren’t at a certain point in your business.

Here are some signs your business is ready to spring for a custom website:

  1. Your business is at least 2-3 years old. In the first few years of your business, you are figuring all the things out about yourself and your business. You are nailing down your processes and your services and sinking a huge sum of money in a 100% custom website design just doesn’t make sense while everything is still in flux. Once you’ve proven the concept of your business, have a solid vision and paying clients, then it’s probably time to explore having a custom website.
  2. You’ve outgrown your existing template-based DIY website. Website templates are great for your business when you are just starting out, but as your business grows more complex, your needs for your website do too and a design that satisfies those needs can be hard to find in a website template. Templates are really just meant to be a starting point and get you on your feet until you have enough resources to invest in an expert to give you clarity and to guide you with what your dream website really looks like.
  3. You are tired of dealing with all the tech needed to keep your website running smoothly and you are ready to hand that off to someone else. You are so overseeing those dreaded website error notifications pop up or someone shooting you a DM telling you they can’t pull up your site. You don’t want to play developer any more or continue to try to hack your site to get it to do what you want. You just want it to work the way it should without always having to worry about what is going to break next.
  4. Your website lacks an *IT* factor. Your existing website is nice, but nice isn’t really cutting it anymore. You liked your website when you built it a couple of years ago, but now your business is totally different. You are coming up with new offers, increasing your prices, and you really want to create a sophisticated experience to engage your visitors to book sales calls and convert them into paying clients. Not to mention, you want your website to feel 100% aligned with your brand and personality so that when your visitors hit your homepage they are instantly wooed by your presence.
  5. Your website is holding you back in your business. If you’ve got plans for launching a new program or offer, but your existing site doesn’t allow you to effectively communicate all your value, then it’s costing you clients and ultimately, revenue. You aren’t showing up as much as you should be because you are too embarrassed by your website’s design, copy, lack of usability, or all of the above. This is one of the biggest clues that it’s finally time to invest in a custom website!
  1. You’re ready for all the good things a custom website can bring into your life and business. This last point may seem like a no-brainer, but sometimes as business owners, we self-sabotage. We think we have to have all our ducks in a row before we try something new but the truth is, that as your business grows and things get messy, things don’t get easier, they only get more complicated. You might never feel ready to invest a huge chunk of money – I mean who is, really? And there isn’t going someone to be someone standing there with a sign that says now is your moment to take action. That’s why instead of asking yourself if you’re ready for a custom website (or the price tag that comes with it), you should ask yourself if you’re ready for all the things it will bring you, like…
    • The potential to grow your business faster by having a central hub where potential leads can qualify themselves for your services and save you time from fielding hundreds of sales calls
    • Leads and clients delivered to you on autopilot daily as they sign up for your freebies, lead magnets and discovery calls all on your website
    • The opportunity to bring in passive revenue with digital products and e-commerce capabilities on your site
    • Visibility and authority as you carve out a designated space that’s all your own and where you control the narrative (PS. social media can’t give you that)
    • More time and freedom to focus on what you love 

The real takeaway from this post is this: you don’t have to have all the answers in your business in order to be ready for a custom website. You just have to be open to receiving the good that comes with it and hiring an experienced web designer is step one. Step two is trusting the process. You’ve built your business this far by trusting your gut, and making the decision to outsource your custom site with a pro you’ve vetted is no different.

Related Post: 5 Signs it’s Time to Redesign Your Website

Are you looking for a sweet and savvy web pro to help you with that custom website on your heart and in your mind? If so, I want to invite you to learn more about my custom website design services that will help you create a space that converts your visitors, looks gorgeous, and brings together your offers and your audience seamlessly in one place.

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kristin pruis

Before I enrolled in design school, I was *this* close to switching my major to become a writer. But God had other plans, and here I am, 10 years later, designing gorgeous brands & websites while nurturing my love for writing on the side.


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Teaching others everything I've learned about branding, design, and marketing over the past 10 years is a passion that truly fills my cup. No matter where you are on your journey of owning your business, I hope you'll find something here that you can take with you and leave you feeling inspired.


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