Do you feel like everyone is killing it on Pinterest except you? I felt that way for months and months until my consistency and dedication finally started to pay off! The secret to driving major traffic to your site from Pinterest all starts with creating amazing pins. So, want to know how to create Pinterest pins that are gorgeous AND make people click?
Here are my best tips…
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Experiment with Your Pin Design
Don’t be afraid to get creative with different images, fonts, and layouts, There’s not just one right way to create a pin. Pinterest loves new content so even if you have already created a pin design for your blog post or product, you can still create several alternate designs that share the same link. As long as the pin design you are using is new and it has a unique description, it is fair game on Pinterest.
Here are some other tips for designing click-worthy Pinterest pins:
- Start with a 1000 x 1500 to ensure your design doesn’t get cropped after you upload it to Pinterest.
- Don’t be afraid to experiment with Pinterest’s new Story pins, Video pins, and Carousel pin formats.
- Create emphasis with color, placement, alignment or sizing.
- Make sure the title is large and easy to read. Most users on Pinterest are viewing on their phone which means images appear smaller than the size you originally designed them at.
- Avoid using images in your pin designs that include faces. For some reason, this has been shown to decrease clicks and saves on Pinterest.
Related Post: 15 Rookie DIY Design Mistakes You’re Making in Your Biz

Use high-quality photos
Don’t underestimate the power of a great photo! People are naturally drawn towards images first before text elements because it’s simpler for our minds to understand and interpret them. That’s why it’s so important to use high-quality beautiful photos in your Pinterest graphics to help you grab your audience’s attention. One of the easiest ways to get beautiful photos is to buy a monthly stock photo subscription from a service like Hautestock or iStockphoto. If you can’t afford a stock photo subscription, you could try taking images yourself if you have a decent camera. Otherwise, you can find tons of free photos using websites like Unsplash and Pexels.
Stay on brand
When you are designing your pin graphics it’s easy to get carried away with all the beautiful font options and colors but it’s important for your brand that all of your images are visually cohesive. This doesn’t mean all your designs have to use the exact same layout or the same color treatments but overall they should look like they fit together as a family.
Why is this important? On average it takes 7 impressions or interactions with your brand before someone can easily recall it. If all your images look completely different you are losing out on the opportunity to build onto any existing brand impressions. Linking your graphics together visually helps your followers link them together mentally as well. This makes it easier for them to remember your brand and what your area of expertise is.
Related Post: 3 Ways to Show Off Your Brand on Social Media

Create a variety of templates
When I first started creating Pinterest graphics to drive traffic to my blog I made the mistake of only creating one design layout for all of my pins, but I was missing out on a ton of traffic! If you create multiple designs and layouts for your pins it gives you the opportunity to catch more people’s attention. Not only can you put more of your pins in circulation (see my next tip), but you have the chance to interest more viewers with a variety of looks. You can use a program like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Spark or Canva to help you organize and create your templates. Honestly, Canva is my go-to for creating quick and easy pin designs. I can even publish them straight to Pinterest through Canva which is a huge time-saver.
Consistently Pin to Increase Your Views & Saves
I used to think I could only create one pin per blog post and once I sent it out into the Pinterest-verse that was that. But this is a big mistake. Not only should you be creating multiple pin designs per blog post (or product) but you can also pin each pin to several relevant Pinterest boards.
For example, let’s say you have a new blog that you want to promote. You can create 3-4 different pin designs for that one blog. Then you can pin each of those pins to 4-5 relevant boards you have on your account and you’ll easily end up with 15-20 pins for just one blog post! If you’ve already built up a library of blog posts, you can see how quickly you can create a ton of pins.

One important note is that you’ll want to make sure you mix up your pins so you don’t pin them all back-to-back for the same piece of content. This one tip alone has made such a difference for my blog traffic. Before creating multiple pins for my blogs I would maybe get 10 clickthroughs a day. Now I get anywhere up to 200 clickthroughs, plus my Pinterest views have gone up to 1.2 million+ per month! Uhh…Woah! Not to mention all that added traffic has allowed me to grow my email list into the thousands.
How are you doing on Pinterest? I’d love to hear what challenges you have with how to create Pinterest pins that are both beautiful and engaging. Join me over in my Facebook group Brand Up! Female Entrepreneurs Standing Out Online for my best tips and secrets on creating beautiful designs that reflect your brand!
This post was originally published on 2018/10/03 and was recently updated to accurately reflect the topic and information provided for my readers.